Podiatric Surgery

Podiatric Surgeon in Bunbury & Vasse

Southwest Foot & Ankle Centre provides podiatric surgery consults from our Bunbury and Vasse clinics. Our specialist, Paul Armanasco can provide a holistic approach and discuss surgical and non-surgical options with his aim being to help you improve your foot/ankle health.

With over 10 years of experience providing podiatric surgeries throughout the Southwest region, Paul is highly skilled in treating bunions, hammer toes, ingrown toenails, foot and ankle injuries, as well as many other foot conditions. Book your surgery consultation to discuss your particular concerns with Paul.

Common Podiatric Surgeries

Ingrown Toenail Surgery

Ingrown toenails result from genetics, ill-fitting shoes, incorrect nail-trimming techniques, as well as many other causes. If non-surgical treatments prove unsuccessful, or the ingrown toenail is too severe, Paul may recommend ingrown toenail surgery.

Ingrown toenail surgery is a routine, predictable minor procedure with short recovery times, and is an excellent permanent treatment of ingrown toenails.

Hammer Toe Surgery

Hammer toes occur when the second, third, fourth or fifth toes (or all four) bend upwards from the middle joint. Hammer toes start out as a mild deformity and get progressively worse over time, sometimes resulting in a need for surgery to straighten the toe/s.

If treated early enough, hammer toes can be treated non-surgically by using orthotics or a change in footwear.

Ankle Surgery

Ankle surgery may be performed for a number of different conditions including instability. If your ankle injury requires emergency care, please secure your emergency injury appointment now.

Due to the more invasive nature of ankle surgeries, they are performed under general anaesthetic . Generally, you will be in a CAM boot for about 6 – 8 weeks before transitioning to an ankle brace. Generally, you will have full movement and weight-bearing abilities returning after approximately 3 months but often it will take 6 – 12 months to fully settle.

Flat Foot Surgery

When the posterior tibial tendon is affected by overuse, genetics, obesity, or muscular diseases, the resulting deformity is known as flat foot. If not treated early, a flat foot may cause severe pain in the foot and ankle, and may eventually lead to foot and/or ankle arthritis.

If not treated early enough or other treatments prove unsuccessful, surgery may be required. Several surgical options are available depending on the severity of the flat foot.

Morton’s Neuroma Surgery

If you’re experiencing shooting pain in the ball of your foot or numb and burning toes, you may have an irritated, damaged Morton’s neuroma nerve. This is often characterised by patients as feeling as if standing on a pebble, this condition may be easily treated with footwear changes, orthotics, and sometimes a cortisone injection.

If the condition is not responding to treatment or the condition is chronic, surgical removal of the nerve may be necessary. In this instance, our podiatric surgeon would perform this as a day surgery.

Southwest-Based Podiatric Foot and Ankle Surgeon

Mr Paul Armanasco BSc MSc FACPS FFPM RCPS (Glas), consults from Southwest Foot and Ankle Centre offering the region podiatric surgery services. Paul’s qualifications and memberships include:

  • Fellow, Australasian College of Podiatric Surgeons (2012)
  • Fellow, Faculty of Podiatric Medicine, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow (2017)
  • Associate, Sports Medicine Australia (1998 – current)

Paul finished his undergraduate podiatry degree in 1998, his masters in 2006 and trained with the Australasian College of Podiatric Surgeons between 2006 and 2012. During this time he undertook rotation at Great Western Hospital‘s Orthopaedic department in the UK and completed a number of international (USA) and interstate rotations.

He has attended numerous foot and ankle surgical training courses in Australia, the USA, Malaysia and England. He has also published a number of peer-reviewed papers on foot and ankle surgery. Paul routinely audits his surgery outcomes and regularly attends courses and foot and ankle surgery conferences.

To make an appointment with Mr. Paul Armanasco, please contact us on 9745 9100.

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